
Recycling BrushBaggy:

BrushBaggy performs very well both in how the product is made and its ability to be recycled into a second life after its initial use. Made of polypropylene, BrushBaggy can be recycled into many different products and uses. One difference between plastic bags and your standard recycled material is the way these bags are reprocessed into their second life. Although most curbside recycle programs are not equipped to take plastic bags, more and more every year are accounting for this type of plastic. Adding to that, more than 18,000 retail locations across the country now accept plastic baggies – such as large grocery chains, home improvement stores, Walmart, Target, etc. These everyday stores provide collection bins for plastic bags/wraps/film, usually in the storefront close to the main entrance. These stores are making it easier than ever to recycle plastic bags. Once collected, all plastic bags and plastic films are baled and sent to recycling centers. Here, the used bags are cleaned, processed and turned into flakes and pellets. The pellets are reused to make new plastic shopping bags, durable outdoor fences, decks, shopping carts and home building products.

Reduce Paint Chemicals with BrushBaggy:

Now consider what you are washing down your drain every time a brush is washed. Excess cleaning of your brushes means you are not only wasting water but you are putting more chemicals into the environment than you need to. Your standard gallon of latex paint may have dozens of chemicals included in its composition. Any chance you have at lessening those chemicals going into our environment and water table is a positive move. BrushBaggy affords the painter saved time and unused paint down the drain by keeping the brush fresh in between uses without washing. Safely storing your brushes this way also saves the life of expensive brushes.

Save Water by Using BrushBaggy:

Did you know it takes 10 gallons of water to wash a single brush? While many of us take for granted the water we have access to daily, most of the world has to plan their day around traveling to and from whatever water source they can find. And even in the US, water shortages are a real problem that alter how we live our lives. BrushBaggy helps us in more ways than one with water consumption. Consider how long it takes you to get all that paint out of your brush. I mean really clean so there is no cloudy water left coming out of the bristles. Any residue paint means your expensive brush will harden and be ruined once it drys. Then consider how much more paint a 9 inch roller brush can actually hold than a standard brush and it quickly becomes apparent how much water is wasted. It takes time and substantial amount of water just to clean our brushes. BrushBaggy postpones any cleaning needed until you are absolutely done with your painting project - whether that takes a few hours or a few months.

BrushBaggy donates a portion of every sale to

630 million people — about 1 in 10 — lack access to safe water; 2.4 billion — about 1 in 3 — lack access to a toilet. is dedicated to changing this, empowering families through access to affordable financing and expert resources to make household water and toilet solutions a reality. is an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world through access to safe water and sanitation. Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon, pioneers innovative, market-driven solutions to the global water crisis — breaking down barriers to give families hope, health and the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.

Stats you may not have known about the world wide water crisis

  • 663 million people — 1 in 10 — lack access to safe water.
  • 2.4 billion people — 1 in 3 — lack access to a toilet.
  • More people have a mobile phone than a toilet.
  • Every 90 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease.
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene related disease kills nearly 1 million people each year.
  • Women and children bear the primary responsibility for water collection.
  • Twice the population of the United States lives without access to safe water.
  • Women and children spend 125 million hours each day collecting water. This is time spent not working, caring for family members or attending school.
  • Women and girls often spend up to 6 hours each day collecting water.
  • Women and girls living without a toilet spend 266 million hours each day finding a place to go.
  • Globally, 1/3 of all schools lack access to safe water and adequate sanitation.